Trekkers Club is organizing the 1-day trip to Panjpeer Rocks. Book your seats with your Friends and Family on a wonderful journey. You can also join us as an individual.
Tour schedule
Day 0
--Departure from Lahore: 11:45 PM
Day 1
--Breakfast at 07:00 AM
--Distribution of Kites Only (Threads not included in the package)
--Basant Celebrations (Kites Flying,Music and Funtime)
--Basant Celebrations till 5pm
--Lunch cum dinner
--Leave for Lahore
--Arrival in Lahore till 2 AM (Next Day)
--Travel VIA GT Road
Services included
Included in the price
--Travelling Cost From LHR TO LHR --Travelling Cost From ISD TO ISD --Travel Through Private Air Conditioned Vehicle. (Saloon Coaster if 26-27 Persons) (Grand Cabin if 13-16 Persons) --Quality Meals (Breakfast + Dinner) --Basic first aid kit. --All tolls and taxes -- 5 Kites per person included in the Package, (No Thread included)
Services excluded
Excluded in the price
---Personal Clothing ---No thread included ---Extras at hotels like drinks, laundry, phone calls, heaters ---Insurance liability medical aid, and helicopter rescue coverage. ---Anything thing other than mentioned above in “Cost Include” area is not included in cost
Meals menu
Breakfast: Paratha + Egg + Milk Tea + Chaney Lunch/ Dinner: One chicken dish with raita, salad, cold drink.
Departure details
Package Cost From Lahore, Gujranwala, Wazirabad, Sialkot : Rs 4,000/- Per Head.